Financial services

In 2012, Aviva put together a think tank to imagine ways to redefine prosperity and revolutionise financial services. It was called the Future Prosperity panel, and I was a member.

My idea was to use gaming to spur people to save more – you can find a clip (title: Gaming Finance (In A Good Way)) posted elsewhere on this site.

During our first meeting, though, the crew cornered each member of the panel for a quick take on the proceedings so far. It was like a hockey player being interviewed between the second and third periods. This is what I had to say in the heat of the moment.

Gaming finance (in a good way)

In 2012, Aviva put together a think tank to  imagine ways to redefine prosperity and revolutionise financial services. It was called the Future Prosperity panel, and I was a member.

My idea was to use gaming to spur people to save more. Here I am talking about it.

Entrevista rara

Esta es una de las entrevistas más raras que me ha tocado dar. No me recuerdo del nombre del periodista pero era un tipo sumamente sui generis.

Este video contiene algunos momentos del encuentro. En la segunda mitad sale otro invitado.

40 días en la cama

En 2011, una pareja española optó por pasar 40 días en la cama. Onda John Lennon y Yoko Ono. Lo hicieron para provocar un debate sobre nuestra relación con el tiempo y la prisa. La “encamada” fue patrocinada por una empresa de colchones.

Hablé (por Skype) con la pareja durante los 40 días. He aquí la grabacíon.

Promotion Foire de Paris

En 2011, La Foire de Paris a choisi le “Slow Time” comme thème de l’année. Je fus le parrain. Ici je parle de la philosophie Slow et de La Foire.

La Slow attitude?

Comme parrain de La Foire de Paris (thème 2011: Slow Time), j’explique ce que c’est la philosophie Slow.

La philosophie Slow

Comme parrain de La Foire de Paris (thème en 2011: Slow Time), je parle de la philosophie de la lenteur. Je ne sais pas pourquoi ma voix est déformée. Un problème technique…

Canadian TV on childhood

An interview I did on Canadian TV on Slow Childhood and Slow Parenting. It was over the Web, which is why I am wearing an earphone. I’m not listening to music at the same time!

This is a short clip from a full-length show that is posted elsewhere on the site under the name “Free-range kids?”

Spot para Motorola tablet

Un spot de Argentina para lanzar la nueva tablet Motorola Xoom.

La tapa de Elogio de la Lentitud aparece a los 25 segundos…


A commercial to launch the new Motorola Xoom tablet. The cover of In Praise of Slow (Spanish edition) features at 25 seconds.

Morning TV on childhood (Part 2)

In 2005, I gave a long interview about my book, Under Pressure, on morning TV in Canada. That means we talked about children, parenting, education, etc. This is Part 2 of the interview. Part 1 is a separate clip on the site.