Fear stifles childhood

Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.

I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I’m talking about fear as a driving force behind modern childrearing.

Free-range kids?

A 30-minute TV show from Canada looking into the pros and cons of the modern approach to childrearing. I’m one of the featured guests.


Une belle vidéo sur la nécessité de ralentir. Mon livre, Éloge de la Lenteur, est là…

Unplug to connect

A sweet reminder of why unplugging the gadgets can bring us closer together.

Orange Turn Off Phones Ad

Many brands are tapping into the growing yearning to unplug, slow down and live more fully. Sometimes the product itself  fits snugly with this Slow ethos; sometimes less so. Either way, it’s another sign that  the idea the slower can be better is gaining currency.

This is an ad from the Orange mobile phone company. It sings the praises of unplugging from technology. The tagline is: “Good things happen when your phone is switched off.”

This sounds like commercial suicide for a phone company, but it’s not. Orange knows that we’ll carry on using our phones. But they also know that more and more people are waking up to the fact that being “always on” erodes our quality of life  – and they want to be part of that conversation.

RSA panel on Slow

In 2012, the RSA in London hosted a panel discussion on the Slow movement. I was one of five speakers. These are the highlights as edited by the RSA.

What is hyperparenting?

Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.

I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I give my definition of hyperparenting.


Hyperparenting documentary

This is a short advertisement for a wonderful Canadian documentary I took part in. It’s called Hyperparents and Coddled Kids.

Childhood pre-hyperparenting

Scott Harper, a Canadian filmmaker, made a wonderful documentary called Lost Adventures of Childhood. It’s about what’s going wrong and right with childrearing today.

I have posted a few short clips from the film. In this one, I’m reminiscing about my own free-range childhood.