Norway pioneers Slow TV

What is Slow TV? And can it withstand the weight of its own contradictions? This piece tries to answer those questions by looking at a Norwegian experiment…

Talking Slow with CBC’s Michael Enright

This is a one-hour video interview I did with the CBC’s Michael Enright in front of a live audience in Toronto. It was a highlight of my 2013 tour for The Slow Fix. The interview was later boiled down to 30 minutes and broadcast on CBC Radio’s flagship program, Sunday Morning.

Slow and the Slow Fix

In 2013, I spoke at the WorldBlu conference in Denver, Colorado. WorldBlu promotes freedom and democracy in the workplace.

The idea is that  people and organisations work better when they leave behind the old command-and-control approach.

This is an interview I gave shortly after delivering my keynote.

Slow Fix on 46th Floor

An unusual video of me in a room on the 46th floor of a hotel in downtown Toronto.

Don’t worry, it’s not that kind of video.

Instead, I’m talking about the financial crisis and THE SLOW FIX. I’m also wandering round the room, sitting on the bed, washing my face in the basin and opening the curtains with a portentous flourish.

All in moody slow motion.

It’s a bit Bill Murray in Lost in Translation...

Taking Time and Art

Irish artist Paul Hughes talks about how taking the time to observe, listen and let things happen is at the core of the creative act.