In an era of “fake news” we need “slow news” more than ever.
Wow! Just seen the mouthwatering menus for my Slow Retreat in Cornwall on March 2nd to 4th. Book fast (see what I did there?) because only a few spots left.
Go Slow – in a good way
The power, joy and wisdom of leaving behind the cult of busyness.
Smart Reading
Why speed reading is not really reading
The Power of Monotasking
Multitasking does NOT work. Even for the so-called digital natives. The human brain is built for concentrating on one thing at a time.
Slow and Tech?
Carl in conversation with Dennis Crowley, the founder of Foursquare, chatting about Tech, Slow and a whole lot more….
Slow Fashion
Slow Fashion is a thing. And it’s growing fast.
Slow Art
One way to slow down with art is to visit a tiny museum or gallery
Join Carl on his 1st Retreat
Carl will be leading a Slow Retreat at the glorious Hotel Tresanton in Cornwall, England on March 2-4, 2018.
Join me on the Slow Retreat!
Next March I’ll be leading a Slow Retreat – think foraging, cooking, sketching and more – at the glorious Hotel Tresanton in Cornwall