The backlash against chronic busyness is coming.
Take a break
How to ask for breaks at work without losing face (or your job).
Is the clock ticking?
What do you think about deadlines? Read my take in today’s New York Times…
Behind the scenes
Check out the Making Of video for my upcoming TV show on ABC 1 in Australia. (Password: 360admin)
These Shoes were made for….
Artist invents a novel way to make people slow down: excessively long shoes.
Leave them kids alone!
Children today need what children have always needed: to play freely without adults getting in the way.
Distraction – Good or Bad?
Fascinating essay on distraction. Why does it happen? Is it always bad? What, if anything, should we do about it?
Your attention, please
Will the ban on screen-based devices in the audience be the most ground-shaking innovation to come out of this week’s @TEDGlobal event in London?
Why Startups Love Moleskins
Tech alone is not enough. Hence the analog revival. We’ll always be tactile creatures at home in a physical world.
The Bored Game
A school that uses boredom (in small doses!) to spark creativity and build confidence? Yes, indeed.