Why science needs slowness to thrive….
Category: Uncategorised
Podcast on the Power of Slow
Why channeling your inner tortoise is the best way to thrive at work – and everywhere else..
English actor Darren Boyd will be reading my new book, BOLDER, on BBC Radio 4’s Book of the Week. Starting December 17th.
He’s smart, hunky and blessed with a sense of humour and fine comic timing. What more could you ask for?
Other than that he also be Canadian, but you can’t have everything….
In Praise of Speed Limits on the Information Superhighway
Even the sultans of speed who call the shots in Silicon Valley are coming round to the idea that slowness has a crucial role to play in tech – and in life in general.
Carl’s new book!
Carl’s new book is now officially a real thing!
Pub date: December 13th.
But you can already pre-order on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bolder-Carl-Honoré-ebook/dp/B078MBNNZ8/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1541502921&sr=8-4&keywords=carl+honore

Work less, work better
Is a four-day week the way forward?
In Praise of Slow Reading
Faster isn’t always better when you have a book (or e-reader) in your hand.
Slow Travel Competition
Thrilled to be judging Inntravel’s Slow Moment competition for 2018.
Upload a photo, a video or even a short text capturing your best Slow Travel moment. One entry wins a prize every month.
From the 12 monthly winners, I will choose the overall winner for 2018.
This year’s annual prize: a 6-night, hotel-to-hotel walking holiday around Germany’s Lake Constance.
On yer bike!
Exciting NEWS!

Slow Interview
Hear Carl talking about the power of slow on the Everywoman podcast.