C.S. Lewis nailed it: “You are never too old to set a new goal, or to dream a new dream.” Never.
Just ask painter Luchita Hurtado, who is just now hitting her stride at the age of 98.
C.S. Lewis nailed it: “You are never too old to set a new goal, or to dream a new dream.” Never.
Just ask painter Luchita Hurtado, who is just now hitting her stride at the age of 98.
Interesting article on Slow TV in Sweden
Slow is good – at work, rest and play …
Mi nuevo libro sale en España el 3 de junio!
What happens when we spend time getting to know a single artwork in detail?
Slow Cinema is spreading…fast
Sale en junio….
Travel better by traveling more slowly….
What happens when you try to live Slow in a remote village in Wales?