Fancy sleeping your way to the top? Give it a try over the next three weeks. #NappingBoostsProductivity
Category: Interesting Initiatives
To drive or not to drive?
Check out this new documentary film on living car-free in a city built for the car (Calgary AB). Full disclosure: I’m one of the talking heads.
Slow TV?
What is Slow TV? And can it withstand the weight of its own contradictions? Here’s one answer.
Fast golf?
Even golf, the mother of all slow sports, is under pressure to speed up now.
Speed yoga?
Even yoga has been infected by the virus of hurry. It’s time to take five deep breaths and slow down those asanas…
Publication en français
Mon prochain livre, LENTEUR, MODE D’EMPLOI, a été publié en français!
Slow Photography
Funny how Polaroid used to be “fast photography.” Now it’s part of the SLOW PHOTO MOVEMENT. Because holding a real picture in your hand is an escape from the tyranny of digital screens….
Switch off to switch on
Many people at gigs spend more time filming the show than they do enjoying it. Is it time to ban cameras at music festivals?
In Praise of Laziness?
Even THE ECONOMIST is singing the praises of slowing down and doing less as a way to be more effective at work.
Slow Coaching ends today
Last episode of THE SLOW COACH on BBC R4 today at 11am. Will our participants find their inner tortoise?