Thoughts on what a ‘Slow University’ might look like.
Category: Interesting Initiatives
Slow Taxis
Don’t think I’ve ever wished for a button that would make my taxi go more slowly. But maybe it’s time to reconsider:
Portion control for novels
Does the world need an app that breaks down novels into bite-sized chunks? Is this fast reading or slow reading?
A slow spirit
In this roadrunner world, even religion is now a race against the clock. Time for a Slow Church movement?
Slow Calendar?
Ever wonder what a “Slow” calendar would look like? Here’s one suggestion.
Slow Science
Why researchers yearn to swap the publish-or-perish hamster wheel for the deeper, richer rhythms of Slow Science.
Slow telly
Slow TV is making the leap across the Atlantic from its home in Norway to the USA, home of fast TV.
In Praise of Slow Business
Why slowing down is often the best way to thrive in the fast-moving world of business.
Not Rocket Science
Ditching health + safety rules in the playground helps build better children.
Not surprisingly I rather like this TV ad promoting tourism in my home province of Alberta: “Keep it slow, remember to breathe…”