How can a Slow school pick up the slack when parents fall short?
Category: Interesting Initiatives
Slow Democracy
Problem: in most modern democracies, the powers that be swing from harmful quick fixes to toxic inertia. And back again.
Solution: a movement for Slow Democracy?
Tiger Moms of the world, calm down…
PM of Singapore, spiritual home of the Tiger Mom, tells parents to relax, back off and slow down…
Slow Coach (in a good way)
Some wise counsel from a business coach on the merits of slowing down.
Slow Partying?
Forget speed metal and dark psychedelic. These days, it’s all about slow partying….
The rise of Slow TV….
It was only a matter of time….
Slow Club Music…
Apparently, even club music is slowing down these days….
A Slow Communication manifesto, at last…
Click here to read it….
Sexy Slow?
Is this the sexy anthem that the Slow Revolution has been waiting for?
Encamada – Bed-In for Slow
Starting today, a Spanish couple will spend 40 days in bed (à la John Lennon- Yoko Ono) to promote the Slow Movement. Intriguing social experiment. For instance, can you have a truly Slow bed-in if you’re online the whole time?
I’ll be speaking via Skype with the couple today at 17h (Spanish time).
Una pareja española va a pasar 40 días en la cama (onda John Lennon-Yoko Ono) para promover el Movimiento Slow.
Hablaré con ellos por Skype hoy a las 17h (hora española)